Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can anyone who has Skype in South Africa talk to me ?

Can anyone who has Skype in South Africa talk to me ?
I am in Taiwan, and will move to South Africa to study soon. Being a student, I can not afford expensive international phone calls. Like to know if the quality is good enough by using Skype to make pc to pc calling from South Africa. It will be wonderful if anyone in South Africa can call my Skype account: cynthia.wang2
South Africa - 4 Answers
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1 :
skype is quite clear althogh you might find MSN much better. you could also get CHEAP international calling cards. good luck with your studies;)
2 :
Problem in S.Africa is that Internet is fairly expensive, so you might find that it isn't the cheapest way to communicate...
3 :
It is true what luv thy neighbor said. In SA you pay the same rate to use the Internet per minute as you do to make a phone call. There are some special packages you can buy that makes your Internet and calls cheaper, but on a whole using the Internet in SA can be expensive.
4 :
I Have skype and it's not really that expensive, The quality is brilliant if you like to try it out, give me a call. It's Adijaas

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Italy or South Africa?

Italy or South Africa?
I'm planning on studying abroad in Italy or South Africa as a foreign exchange student next year, but I can't decide which country I'd rather study abroad in. Help!
Studying Abroad - 5 Answers
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1 :
italy might have better learning..... But south Africa sure would be a trip! It depends on what you want to do!!!!
2 :
Italy might be a better place to visit. Its is a very beautiful place with many exotic places. It has many historic achievement. It's a better place to visit i have been there. Its your choice.
3 :
South Africa. It's somewhere off the beaten path. Everyone goes to Italy. You would have such a different experience in South Africa. It would surely be something unforgettable.
4 :
For sure Italy. Good universities. Internationally recognised as well. Few universities are good in SA but its not a safe place to study. Best of luck
5 :
Italy is a extremely beautiful place and lots of history in it. I think u should go to italy. But it's ur choice

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where too in South Africa...?

Where too in South Africa...?
So I am thinking about possibly doing my student teaching in South Africa, my two options are Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. Which would be a better city to live for 4 months?! I am not really familiar with South Africa, which is why i am considering it, because I think it would be an amazing experience!!
South Africa - 5 Answers
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1 :
My recommendation will be Cape town - consistently rated in the top 5 cities in the world over the past few decades. Cape Town is a tourists paradise and offers great diversity in terms of tourist destinations,entertainment(great nite life),culture, history,architecture and is the legislative capital of the country. This should be a really easy decision for you - enjoy
2 :
Cape Town is a beautiful place and there is so much to do there. Go and live for 4 months there.
3 :
Hi there, Since you said you're not really familiar with South Africa, maybe you could start with something like GoAbroad.com's Teach Abroad Directory for South Africa (http://www.teachabroad.com/SouthAfrica.cfm). There are only 3 listings(as of the moment I viewed it) but the top 2 are the most trusted by GoAbroad(given the fact that it garnered it's highest approval rating of check++ --- it's the light green icon). Another thing is that it has feedback from previous participants(the light blue "speaking logo") so go read it! That would surely help you get started. Good luck! GA :)
4 :
Which four months are you talking about? I would check that out before I made a final decision. Cape Town would also be my choice anyway but it might make a difference to you. It is always a great place with tons of great things to see and do but if you are there during their winter and you are expecting hot African weather, you could be in for a surprise. It is Africa but it also is the extreme south of the continent - as close to the South Pole as you can get in Africa and it is sometimes cold and windy in the winter. I'm not trying to dissuade you. Just go properly prepared. It's no fun expecting hot and balmy and getting cold and windy instead and not have the proper clothing. Actually, maybe going to this link would give you a clearer picture of what I am trying to say. http://www.cape-venues.co.za/site-seeing/cape-town-weather.htm I cannot remember being in Port Elizabeth during the winter months. You could try googling it - best to use http://www.google.co.za/ I could only find things about a freak storm they had a couple of years ago. Possibly someone who lives there or visits often would have a better idea.While it is a nice enough place to see, Cape Town has Sooooo much more to offer. Restaurants, shopping, theatre, jazz, ballet, golf, Did I say shopping? Museums, easy access to wine country etc etc etc. Did I say shopping? Oh I did. Well it's a great place to get beautiful and interesting things you can't get at home where ever home is. And there is always the possibility of your getting a chance to see it anyway - it's not THAT far from CT. Edit: If the thumbs down are because of my mention of the cold and winds, SAfricans are used to it; foreigners spoiled with central heating or poorly educated in African weather conditions are not. A lot of foreigners expect Equatorial type weather everywhere in Africa and that is just not the reality. I sold more tours being honest about the weather than had I would have had I fluffed over truth.
5 :
Cape Town is the obvious answer but I would recommend Port Elizabeth because even though it is also a city, the crime rate there is much less than anywhere in Cape Town which has the BIGGEST murder ratio per ca-pita in the world.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why are so many black school teachers raping their black students in south Africa?

Why are so many black school teachers raping their black students in south Africa?
One-third of child rape in South Africa committed by school teachers. Close to one million rapes a year occur in south africa alone 41% are children and infants. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1781032.stm http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/2002/E/20023369.html http://www.rense.com/general56/RAPES.HTM http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=25806 Wrong section but these are all black people involved not white read the facts I just dont see how over a million rapes a year dose not shock anyone here I guess your head in the sand mentality is why it is alowed to happen. Uzo are you mentaly retarded 961 child rapes a day in south africa,white people have never even come close to this in the history of the world. OKAY THEIR ARE RETARDES ANSWERING THIS QUESTION POINTING TO WHITE RAPES OF CHILDREN IN AMERICA UHHH..WHAT PART OF 961 CHILD RAPES iN SOUTH AFRICA A DAY DONT YOU GRASP?lET ME SPELL IT OUT FOR EVERY WHIE CHILD RAPIST IN AMERICA THEIR ARE OVER A THOUSAND IN AFRICA.
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
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1 :
Why are you asking this question in the Religion & Spirituality section?
2 :
South africa is mainly white by the way the schools are not run by the black minority but the english majority.
3 :
Maybe thats how they teach sex ed
4 :
Right. I don't feel this is a question for this forum, however, you probably aren't looking at the rape statistics in this country either. Do you think it's just limited to South Africa? If you do then you are terribly misguided and I'm actually sensing some racism in your question. Go to Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch to look up your stats....violence against children is prevalent everywhere. It is sad and needs to stop.
5 :
it sounds like you are here to perpetuate another black stereotype. You want to hear that many black school teachers are raping their black students because black people are all rapists or something equally idiotic. Crawl back into your hole, superior one. And while you are there think about the fact that most school teacher/student rapes in the US has been by white people, why is that? by the way i just read your first link and no where in there did it mention a racial predilection to the rapes. All it said about race was that white victims were more likely to report it than other racial groups and that the rapers tended ti rape people of their own race
6 :
Well, you know, that's the way those animals are....... The thing is, these people who are answering you don't even bother to read the articles, just revert back to knee jerk political correctness. and dude, if preists in america were raping kids at the rate that the school teachers are in africa, a frikken THIRD of all kids would be molested! now you know that's not happening.... only in Africa, leave it to them.....a putrid people, really....the only place where they actually rape infants! because they think it will cure their AIDS. disgusting they are. And it does go beyond that in cruelty and perversion, these are really a people without conscience.
7 :
Why don'y you ask the same about the 'white' paedophile priests in America? What have they done to so many parishioners children there? Look to your own and don't worry about others, start close to home and then make your way back to Africa, you racist s**t!!!
8 :
the teachers are not properly guided in their profession. they probably don't know where to draw the line between teacher-student relationship. and by the way, i find nothing wrong with this question and i don't know why people have to bring in christian priests molesting kids into this. It is not written in a offensive way either. Get real people.
9 :
Why are you asking this question under this heading are you trying to cause trouble even one child rape is one to many or are you a racist in disguise trying to bring the coloured person into disrepute like I said earlier ONE rape is one to many and many a white person has also committed this horrific crime
10 :
I know the actual answer to this question lol. They are raping the children, because they think that if the have sex with a virgin child they will get rid of their aids. Hope this helps. It is absolutely disgraceful what they are doing. But it is their beliefs.
11 :
OK you asked a genuine question. I don´t see what is racist about it or why most of the answerers, who clearly have little knowledge of South Africa, have shown so much disdain for the question. This is VERY REAL, and I guess a little too much for some people to get their heads around. Thankfully we have people like Aussii3 who are trying to make a difference. If you want to hear something even more worrysome, there are large discrepancies between crime figures that the government release and those that the Medical Boards of South Africa release (the medical boards being much higher). Also a very small percentage of crimes like rape or muggings are actually reported. In the case of rape, it´s because of the shame involved, and with muggings, well, check out the link below, if they had to report every single mugging the police stations would be inundated. If you trust the present crime statistics released by the government (even though they are already sickeningly high, many feel it´s way short of the actual truth) , South Africa has over 50 murders a day. Keep in mind that these figures are as high (or higher) than Iraq - which is a war zone! Crime statistics are apparently being watered down ahead of the upcoming World Cup soccer 2010 so as not to deter tourists from visiting the country! Take a look at this link, it´s a camera on a street corner in Durban, South Africa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbwbsf64WDo And good question, by the way, it´s important that the world knows a little about what is happening in South Africa, perhaps then a little pressure can be put on the government, they seem to think that the crime in South Africa is not a problem and tell you if you don´t like it you should just get out. Look at these links and decide for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zKqilYfBEI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHNFlbRC760 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwXSIDp3RSM
12 :
Hey you just tryin t o bring the Great Black Mans down again. And It not be rape if them kids like it. And they must like it if they go to that school figure it out mane.

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