Will you be atending the 2010 World Cup In South Africa? Will you be interested in visiting cultural museums?
Im a student currently doing an ad. for advertising school. We need to create an ad for the District 6http://www.districtsix.co.za/frames.htm Would you be interested in visiting a musuem of cultural history while attending the world cup? and how Important or interesting would that be to you? The museum is about forced removals which happend during apartheid. What would your veiw be on going to this museum and what would you hope to get out of it? Some information on your demographics would be a great help as well. (age, sex, origin etc.) This will help me heaps...Thnx Okay if you where tho what would your atitude be to going to these sort of musuems or would it be striclty football and partying?
FIFA World Cup(TM) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not enough green paper with dead presidents on to go to there. Bud will folow it on TV
2 :
I don't have enough money to go but if I did I'd definitly go and also I'd definitly take my husband whose biggest wish would come true. And we'd love to go to such a museum and others. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. We'd love to get to know the country and its heritage. Love anthropology and sociology , both of us, so we'd get a kick out of it. Female , 28 , caucasian
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