Saturday, September 1, 2012
if you love south africa read this?
if you love south africa read this?
im tired of listening to negative news about south africa. yes i agree its all true, but come on we living in sa and nobody has killed us yet. lets talk about the positive things for a change. ill start. natural wonders boerewors tertiary education (we have many foreign students, and im 1) medicinal support, (thousands of africans and europeans are coming to south africa to get better) diverse culture eastern cape, (im a big DA supporter, if youre not just go spend a week in cape town, fishoek) beautiful women of sa low rates as compared to europe please give me more, i mean lets talk about the positive things of this beautiful country for a minute
South Africa - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would love to agree with you but there is not enough room up your arse for two heads.
2 :
He he, nobody has killed us yet. I love this country because nobody has killed me yet?! Tertiary education - you do realise that most degrees offered in SA now require bridging exams in foreign English speaking countries. And considering the brain drain this should always be a major consideration... Medicinal support - you mean the expensive paid private one? Public SA hospitals are not what they used to be, to put it mildly... Low rates compared to Europe?! Compared to what? Actually, I can stay in some pretty decent 4 star hotels in Europe for a lot less than what I would pay in SA. I can grocery shop for less in Europe as well - LIDL Germany, DIA - Spain, even Tesco in the UK has cheaper groceries than the SA equivalent. Beautiful SA women? You clearly need to travel more. SA has good weather (minus the wind in Cape Town), wine (although quite expensive now), meat (also pricey) and let's leave it at that.
3 :
oh yes spicy boere wors! and biltong ya! SA all the way
4 :
tenacious attitude in it's people some very good schools and universities good weather wine Mrs Balls chutney Nick Naks Tempo Chocolate Bars Ouma Rusks Excellent sports teams (rugby, cricket)
5 :
Man, when people become desperate for the "positive" side of something, it usually means it's too damn late.
6 :
Our scenic places, culture and heritage ... sadly all the corruption, loss of jobs, eskom, people like Malema and Zuma and the WC makes for more 'news'
7 :
vacation,the beach,sailing,fishing.....DIVING(SCUBA) WITH THE GREAT WHITE..or just seeing one...ect..
8 :
You're right, there's lots to love about this country, the weather, sunsets, warm beaches,thunderstorms.....and the people. We live in unique country. And to all those who choose to see the negative, who complain and do nothing about the change you want to see..... leave!!! You more than free to.
9 :
MOst people here mostly expats, so they make SA look very bad so they'll feel better.
10 :
Well I can say that africa is great the people give you a warm welcome even in the township areas there food is great and if you love animals it is a must to do kind of holiday because you get to go on a 4 by 4 up close to them and when you come home you will never go back to a zoo !! I have been to South Africa twice both times in Sept when the weather has been good. You could say I LOVE the place and yes I would go back Big Time I went with Thomas Cook.
11 :
Yeah this could be a great country if malema and terreblanche didnt exist. LOVE boerewors and biltong
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