Saturday, October 1, 2011

What Afrikaans language books( with cds) are availible in South Africa? For beginners?

What Afrikaans language books( with cds) are availible in South Africa? For beginners?
Something besides "colloquial afrikaans" and "teach yourself afrikaans" What are coursebooks designed for students taking the language up in secondary school/high school or college ? I'm looking for something that uses straightforward language and really starts with the basics.
Languages - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Teach yourself Afrikaans: A Complete Course for Beginners A completely up-to-date book for all those who seek to communicate in Afrikaans. Written for students with no previous experience of the language, particularly those who wish to study at home. Publisher: Southern Book Publishers ISBN: 9781868124701 Publication date: March 1993 Edition: 2nd Reprinted edition Pages: 244

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